Monday, September 1, 2014

The Most Amazing Thing in Existence

We are scum.

No, worse than that, we are trash. Worthless. The exact epitome of complete and utter vileness. Nothing could be worth less than us. We totally and 100% deserve to suffer eternally in the most extreme form of suffering. No doubt about it. Even I realize this, and I once was this mass of revolting waste of space.

But we were not always like this. We were not made to be like this.

In the beginning, God made everything, including us, humans. And He saw it all as good. He made us in His likeness: perfect, beautiful, and completely innocent. We walked with Him in light and joy through the wonder that was His creation. No pain, no tears, no death, just joy. And we loved Him.

But, being the most intelligent person that He was, He made our worship genuine by giving us choice. We had two options: death or life. And what do we choose? DEATH.

We took His overwhelming and entirely perfect love and threw it back in His face. He loved us and what did we do? We condemned Him. Kicked Him. Spit in His face. Beat Him. Whipped Him. Mocked Him. Pounded rusty nails into His hands. Hung Him on a tree to die a horrible, traumatic death. We laughed and laughed as the one and only Son of the only Person who truly loved us slowly withered away and died.
Like I said earlier: we are worthless

And what did He do in the midst of this heinous event? He smiled. He looked at us with loving eyes as we pounded metal into His skin and said "It's alright. I forgive you." And you know what? He still loves us.
Even after all of that, He still does. And not even a bit less. His love is still greater than the largest star in the universe (which you can see here) and we are not even visible when compared to it.

He did not have to do any of it. He could of just not paid our price, or just made some robots to love Him, or just not have made the human race after all. It would have been easier that way. But sometimes, easier does not always mean better. God made a story. Yes, it was full of extreme pain and suffering, but also joy and love.

But unfortunately, even today, we are still repulsive. We still fight against God. We still sin. But thanks to God and the ultimate sacrifice He paid on that tree, He has restored us. If we just accept it, we can be made in His likeness once again. He has planted the seed, and we must be ready to let it grow.

So even in the middle of our failure, even while we wallow in the sewage of our nature, He will still give us a kiss, as long as we are willing to climb out of the slime to accept it.

If that isn't the most amazing thing to ever exist, then I don't know what is.

Everyone, praise God. Don't be worthless.


  1. Hey, you. Sooner or later I can see you getting some sort of degree for philosophy alone. Keep going; you're a deeper thinker than I am!
    - Zi-Zi
